"Don't worry Kanan. 7K 549 13. , Sabine W. "Sabine!" Kanan yelled helplessly as the Inquisitor ran his lightsaber through the young Mandalorian. Follow/Fav There is No Death, There is the Force. Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,225 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 19 - Follows. With a quick hop Ezra landed in the cockpit and started the fighter up. " Instead of saying anything, Ezra just keeps his eyes focused on something else and nods. Don't rub it in," Ezra said. Eyes wide, Ezra tries to warn Kanan as timr seems to slow down, the Mirialan raising her blaster as Kanan's distracted trying to keep deflecting the bucketheads' shots while shooting down the hall. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and pulls Darth Vader up so they are face to face. He wasn't sure if he would ever return but he was sure of one thing. "A what?" "A choke hold. He pulls one of them from their owner's hand with the force, examining the colorful blaster. "My god. Zeb and Chopper met them at the landing site near the rebel base. He sweeps his other arm out, and the stack. Sometime during the middle of it, right around the point when Ezra tells him his theory about touch, Kanan stretches out his arm without a word, and Ezra rests one of his on top, relaxing just a bit. One afternoon a few weeks later, when Ezra had time off for the first time in a long while, he tried to help Hera with something in town. Ezra inspects his stolen prize with a bored curiosity. Hera loved to go walking around in the shopping centers. Ezra laid in his bunk in the cabin he shared with Zeb. "Jacen has a little sister!" Kanan, Ezra, and Cham all exclaim simultaneously at the same time, believing that Jacen was telling the truth. "Let him go!"Cartoons Star Wars Rebels. Kanan squeezed her hand in return in hopes of soothing the Twi'lek. , Hera S. And something that was on her Tumblr, was a post by nuro-does-art, depicting a Season 1 or Season 2 Ezra with a prosthetic left leg, from about the. The teen grabbed at his throat desperately, trying to breathe. " General Crix Madine's voice rang out down the corridor of the Rebel Flagship. "He's down!" He announced finally before focusing back on the ships firing above. I didn't have much of a choice at the time though. "You really are growing up aren't you, Ezra?" Hera then asked. Fulcrum had asked them to retrieve a chip hidden in a imperial base. Ezra holds her close, cheek against her brightly colored hair. With a tremendous amount of force the teen hit a wall, promptly knocking himself out. "Kanan. Ezra turned his back to Hera and Kana nans left the Ghost. "All aboard!" he shouted. Ezra huffed, pouting as he tugged down the hood of his cloak, sulking in the long shadows it cast over his face. They were gone. Kanan called, holding down on the wound that was gushing freely with fresh blood. Given Ezra's little mental slip in their last conversation, Kanan intends to watch the relationship between Ezra and Hondo more carefully than before, just to be on the safe side. "Easy," he cautioned, meeting the Weequay's eyes, slowly holding his hands up so he wouldn't be perceived a threat. " Ezra babbled. The Pau'an turned to Ezra with a dark smirk. Nobody was around, because it was late. This is my first ever fanfiction! X) Yay! I love Star Wars Rebels and have waited to post this FOR. I don't own anything of 'Star Wars Rebels. A sickening crack rang out through the room and Ezra screamed. You were pretty slow to get up. The entire fuel depot caught fire and exploded a half-second later. "Oh well I'd like them bac-". "Shh, Ezra," he heard a comforting voice whispered. There's an early shift for you, padawan. He needed to find out what truly happened he knew Zeb would not do this to Ezra he knew Zeb saw Ezra as a brother. Author note: Got the idea one night while I was trying to sleep. The young Mandalorean left to set up the autopilot, and Zeb accompanied her just to ensure it was done right, leaving Ezra, Kanan and Hera behind in the room. , Inquisitor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 23,342 - Reviews:. Yet, I noticed like most of us had, that Ezra is Kanan's weakness AND strength. Kanan couldn't stand it anymore. The fic MUST show the reaction of either the Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother or Vader (or two or all three of them). Or. I saw this headcanon on tumblr and decided to roll with it. Ezra turned his head and saw Hera and Zeb sitting calmly in the corner minding their own business, he couldn't see Sabine anywhere. Kanan was still scared to face him, to face everyone. What would they want me to do? Kanan thought suddenly. "I know. Ezra on the other hand, was cuffed and instead strapped into one of the seats on the ship. Ezra just simply nods in understanding. Hera realized he probably hadn't received an embrace since her and Kanan; her grip tightened. He just laid there crying for the longest time. A speeder hit Ezra, and Ezra flew down the street. ) It has been a LONG 24 hours for Ezra. Kanan was shocked and he was about to ask why his padawan pushed away "Ezra…. Being confused is the least of the Rebel's problem when the New Jedi Order attempts to hold him prisoner. " As Kanan tightened hold on the boy as he felt tears fall from the teen eyes they where going to bring the kid back from the streets and he was going take on one ofthe biggest challenge of his life but. Zeb asked blinking in confusion, everyone was focused on the radio and didn't notice Sabine's eyes glazing over as she stared at Ezra and Kanan. Even on the battlefield she didn't display this. The boy stumbles and he and Vader fall. "Really needs to go to bed. Chapter 2: Betrayal. Sabine stood by the lock ready to override it and nodded at Zeb. Young Ezra is full of scars, physically and mentally, that the crew must. "Ba. Before they could relax Ezra also shifted, snuggling against Kanan's side and used the older man's chest as a pillow. By: LuaKitsune. The Nightmare. His eyes seemed to no longer hold that joyous emotion that gave them the sparkle, but instead held the now anger and hatred burning within. , Kanan J. He just hoped Ezra was pulling through okay, because, after all, they did watch Kanan sacrifice himself. He opened it and read the message that was in clearly Ezra's handwriting. Whenever Ezra screws up, he always has that shadow hiding him from danger. Kanan, Zeb, and Ezra all stood completely motionless as an angry mandalorian and twilek came out of the Ghost's cargo bay. Ezra Bridger, son of Mira and Ephraim Bridger, seventeen year old Rebel recruited by Hera Syndulla, his captain— his mother, fighting to free all worlds from the Empire, Jedi Padawan to Kanan Jarrus, his Master— his father. By: Tala32. Ezra and Ahsoka must go head on with the Empire when the Republic falls and the sith start there rise to power. He either can't allow himself to sleep, or is plagued by nightmares. Kanan Jarrus (born Caleb Dume) was a Jedi Knight and the Rebel leader of the Ghost crew. Kanan was carried to the small imperial ship by two storm troopers. Hmm, he thought with a frown. " Ezra cringed at the impatience and frustration in Kanan's tone. As the ship gains altitude to space, the man looks at Ezra. Zeb was carrying a small box and placed it on the floor. Disclaimer: I don't own rights to Star Wars Rebels. Ezra winced and risked a glance to Seventh Sister, who grinned like a madman. Well mostly everyone. Ghost Crew Are Family (Star Wars) Parental Kanan Jarrus. "Point taken, Love. "Get up!"Talk of the Past By: Happy Doodle. The teen's blue eyes, usually so bright and mischievous, were dim and misted with a sick-induced haze. Ezra grunted and opened his eyes. Star Wars: Rebels (10078) Star Wars - All Media Types (5159) Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (1929)Hera spotted Kanan holding an unconscious Ezra, and asked Kanan a question he didn't manage to hear. The object still carried many memories…Hera was stunned for a second before giving a devious smile at Kanan then saying "hey Ezra I bet your tired walk down this corridor and on your right will be a room for you to use its kinda colorful hope you don't mind" "its fine he said walking to the room" Kanan looked at Hera and said "that's Sabine's room you told him to go to you know that. What if, Kanan found Ezra first before any one else, and before meeting Hera on Grose. Sabine woke from a light sleep to hear the sound of footsteps walking across the common area. Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars) Ezra Bridger Needs a Hug. However Kanan decided to end the protest as grabbed Ezra's T-shirt and started pulling it off. The young boy couldn't help but think: If only he could have a glimpse of the good old times when the light side of the force was at its prime. The last bucket head rushes past Ezra's hiding place, leaving the ten year old in peace. Follow/Fav Wanted. When Kanan finds a young child alone on the streets, he and the Ghost crew take him in as one of their own. , OC - Chapters: 15 - Words: 49,029 - Reviews:. He was happy, though, amidst all of these weird feelings. Sabine's fingers threaded in his hair, heedless of golden eyes and a name that was feared. Hera and Ezra stood in silence for what it seemed like an eternity. " Kanan left the room and Ezra sat up, his head pounding and feeling like it weighed a ton. He pulled Ezra into the Ghost, shutting the airlock behind him. I sat on my bed, planning, plotting, whatever you want to call it. Follow/Fav The Continuing Adventures of a Time Travelling Padawan. Chapter 1 - This Weapon is Your Life. The tall, dark-haired Jedi paused, sensing that it was Hera Syndulla behind him. Stripped of their powers, Kanan and Ezra must adapt to a life on Myrkr as ordinary people. "Er, sorry. By. Kanan caught up to ezra and held him silently and whispered into his ear calmly as Ezra fell asleep. Follow/Fav Downfall. Just before the group walked down the ramp toward the Jedi masters, Ezra and Sabine looked into each other's eyes, which felt like an eternity, then clasped hands and walked down the ramp with the others. Chopper, Sabine, Zeb, Hera, and Kanan went on full alert when they saw the figure. "Stop, stop!" he cried. Based in Shell-Shocked-NinjaTurtleGal's Star Wars: Rebels stories. When Kanan located Ezra in the nose gun however he was shocked. Cartoons: Star Wars Rebels fanfiction archive with over 3,308 stories. "One of you get me a blanket. Tumbling off the edge of the table, Ezra fell over into the broken pieces. "Got him. He held it out straight, gently wiping away the crusted blood and grease stains from the teen's arm with the care usually only seen in a parent. I love you, Love Ezra. But then they stumble upon an injured, traumatised Catboy named Ezra who may just hold the key to ending the Hybrid Fights for good. Kanan and Hera are known for bringing the light out of dark pasts, but that may not be the case with their new foster child, Ezra Bridger. "Ezra, kid, come on answer your com," Kanan repeatedly called into the com. He then stood up and gave. Chapter 4: Reunion. By: Kavella. Kanan doesn't move, but Ezra hears a shift of fabric and the click of a blaster. The speeder sped up to get away from Ezra. Kanan froze when he saw the most adorable sight in front of him. By:. Not to mention he gets a hell of a lecture. Sabine ran to their side, her eyes filled with horror. Well I hope you. "Told you that skill was important," Kanan said, entering the room. Kanan returned and handed Ezra his favorite "toy" (Kanan winced at his inability to get Ezra even the simplest of toys). I know it hurts, jus-just hold on!". , Kanan J. Kanan smiled slightly while Ezra admired the graceful weapon. Follow/Fav A Battle Never Fought Alone. This chip was supposed to contain highly classified information the could weaken the Empire's control on Lothal. " He reached out and tightly hugged the. After situating themselves around the boxes, the four former crew members begin to discuss Sabine predicament. "Easy kid. Kanan places a hand on his chin and nods his head as he listens. I'm not gone yet!Which is why Ezra very quietly returns the Holocron to where he found it in Kanan's room after using the Star map located within it to help him find Rex's current home planet. Ever since Kallus had been willing to hold him captive even though he didn't know anything about the Lothal rebels, Ezra held little respect for the glorified lieutenant. Ezra tensed fully, standing a bit straighter. Until, suddenly, Darth Vader himself jumped out at him. Yes, Ezra Bridger's always seemed a little small, Rex is conscious of that, but at this stage he seems closer to outright petite. It was strongest when Ezra was concentrating on using the Force. "Hold it right there, cadet. both of us and they went with caution Kanan made sure to kiss Ezra on the neck slowly he then took off the cloths of his padawan and he saw the marks the inquisitor made he. Follow/Fav Talk. 3. How's your leg doing?" The boy looked up at him, "it's fine sir, just a little sore. Kanan grimaced as he watched his young friend. "Thanks for your help Zeb," Hera said, smiling at the Lasat. Synopsis: Kanan overestimates Ezra's fortitude and pushes him a little too hard and a little too fast in his Jedi training. "Drug testies paid well. Thank you for helping me," Ezra said; his eyes bright looking at Kanan with gratitude. Ezra Bridger/Kanan Jarrus; Ezra Bridger; Kanan Jarrus; Hera Syndulla; Sabine Wren; Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios; Alexsandr Kallus; Darth Maul; Seventh Sister (Star Wars) C1. Instead of going to bed, I grab a drink and a snack from the kitchens, then go to the room Kanan had me deflecting. "Leave me alone, Kanan! All of you just leave me alone!" Ezra took off back to his room, leaving the rest of the gang in the kitchen. Fives, Echo, General Skywalker, and now, Kanan. "Yes. An alternate ending to Always Two, There Are, where Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra's escape does not go as planned. They had barely made it onto the ship before the flames hit remaining detonators. Hera spun in her chair, cackling madly, as Chopper spun around in glee. (Just after before the ending of Spark of Rebellion. " Kanan said in a serious tone, he knew Ezra did this when he wanted to be held and Kanan was sitting on a chair or on the couch. The storm troopers found the boy laying face down in the debris. Still moving inside him, Kanan whispered again. Some things nobody forget By: Natsu223. It instantly made Kanan's desire reach its climax. " He closed his eyes. Ezra looked down at the ground, suddenly the flooring was really interesting. Hera was normally his voice of reason, without her, his thoughts. Just the mere act of standing was exhausting. "No, Kanan! No! Aaaaah! Kanan! Aaaah haaahaaa! Kanan! Aah haa haa haa!" Ezra squealed as Kanan quickly removed Ezra's boot and began to tickle his foot. It's been a month since Malachor, and Ezra is getting antsy while the Rebellion mourns the loss of Ahsoka and Kanan is still adjusting to his injuries from Maul. He was about to turn around when Kanan said," Come here, Ezra. Ezra had never seen a Republic starship, let alone been aboard one before now. As Kanan and Ezra reached the Diner they slowed down and walked in casually, not wanting to draw the attention of the imperial pilots that just landed.